Sunday, April 22, 2012

April 22, 2012. Some of my friends in San Antonio are trying to contact me & want to know how I was doing? I can not claim to have a lot(not even few) of people following me however, I have played, met & worked with a lot of people during the last 66 years of my life. Now & then a bright star( yes people who know me & remember me are like stars to me) shines on the horizon making me happy. I left SA for several very personal reasons, the life was easy which I traded for a harsher life style; I am not regretting. I have some plans but execution of some of them is in others hands, leaving those aside; I will definitely like to write about environmental & social issues. Since this is a different medium of communication therefore, I am not too sure about my readers(over a period of almost 60 years I had been able to communicate well with a lot of people in several countries-but this medium is not very assuring, at least not right now). I am in Sunrise(Eastern most) county of the USA, it is cloudy, and windy with a temperature of 39 degrees, the heater is kicking in frequently so we can stay comfortable at 70 degrees inside the house. We are recovering from a journey of 6 days on the road with 22 kitties, half of them were not too happy; rounding them up in the morning & feeding & cleaning them in the evening was a Herculean task. I have traveled cross country with them 4 times, it was never easy; however, the idea of leaving/loosing them was unthinkable. I believe every living creature on this Earth should be treated like we like to be treated ourselves.

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